Meet some of our Sponsors!
These are the people that make Wildlife Wonders a reality!  They help Wildlife Wonders to continue with their purpose and mission!  They help keep the animals fed!  They help provide new enclosures for the animals,  they help pay the vet bills, they help on the upkeep of the vehicles and trailers so that Wildlife Wonders  can safety and in a timely manner travel all around GA  and surrounding states providing animals programs.  Their are so many aspects of Wildlife Wonders and without all of you,  Wildlife Wonders - ZOO TO YOU would not be possible!  Stay tune for future plans also!
Thank you,
Hope and Tom Bennett - Directors
How you can become a sponsor-click here!

What does it take to be a sponsor?  Sponsors range from organizations, schools, private persons that have either donated monetary gifts, supplies, their talent or other donations. 
While most of our funding comes through the programs that we offer and we truly appreciate all those who have had Wildlife Wonders to their events.  The funding from our outreach programs does not come close to covering all the expenses and costs here at Wildlife Wonders.   This is where our sponsors play an important role.   If you wish to become a sponsor, Please visit our sponsorship information page.  You may also either email or call us and we can go over the sponsorship opportunities that we have

Donations (monetary, talent, supplies, food etc)

Jeff Helton Graphics  (770) 983 7288  Provides quality graphics, lettering and 
logos for vehicles, promotional material, signs and more!  
click here for website: 

Individual/ Family/Corporate Sponsors
Thank you for your donation of supplies, feed,  time and more!.

Fresh and Frugal:  Dahlonega
For saving us lots of money by allowing us to have the "day old" bruised produce.  The tortoises plus many others LOVE IT!  
Thank you!
Photos with the Emblem C.F   were Taken by
Chris Freilish of  
Virtuoso Films! 
A special thanks goes out to Chris for his contribution
to Wildlife Wonders!  Come back in the future to see even more of his
awesome work! 
Visit Virtuosa Films click here
Meet our Animal Ambassador Sponsors! Click here
See if your school, friend or family has adopted one of your favorite Animal Ambassadors!
Adopt a An Animal program information Click here
SPECIAL THANKS TO >>>>>> for welding this together! Jeff Forrester for the legwork,  Pam for her long hours and Jenny for testing it for us! 
Beaver Pond!
SPECIAL THANKS To Joe and Erin Fisk.
We are blessed to have them as volunteers and help us get our beaver pond ready to go! 
Joe does FANTASTIC work.. His speciality is stone work.  Visit his website at 
 or call him for great stonework 
404 510 0869  
(named after his daughter Bella.. who by the way is adorable..
A Special Thanks to 
Chris Freilish, David Lane, and 
Pam of Forever Arts.  
The above sponsors have provided photos for our website.

Click here to learn more about our sponsors
Memorial to Robbie Crouch        My mentor  and friend in Christ.     Oct 31st 1936 -May 22nd 2008.
Memorial to Robbie Crouch My mentor and friend in Christ. Oct 31st 1936 -May 22nd 2008.
 NOTE all photos are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without the photographers permission