Experience-Zoo To You has brought people and animals together for many years giving adults and children alike an experience of a lifetime.  Because Tom and Hope are involved with the animals personally on a regular basis the students will be able to observe a respectful yet amazing relationship between human trainer and wild animal.  One that helps students understand respect and appreciate the "wildness" within these animals. Tom and Hope have spent many years working with a variety of animals allowing them to bring you the best programs ever.

Style - Tom and Hope Bennett specialize in presenting the animals and their information in a fun, interactive way.  The shows are packed full of age appropriate information that is both educational and entertaining.  

Effect - Getting that up-close experience is something that both children and adults don't forget. We fill in a niche where the idea that there are no walls or boundaries and that these students are within the same space as the animals makes for an unforgettable experience For small groups the hands-on experience further impacts those students into action.

Substance:  We can help prepare the students for upcoming learning adventures or  reaffirm what the students  are learning through our programs.  Now not only have they "heard" about animals and there habitats, survival skills, camouflage techniques and more they get to experience it up close.   Our programs are age appropriate and geared toward QCC standards.  Our programs also incorporate character building.