What we do for preschools is gear the program toward their age group. These programs come with amazing animals that preschoolers are just starting to learn about such as:
MONKEY! (Curious George)
SNAKE! (Verde)
and we still bring some of the favorite fuzzies such as a lovely angora rabbit, chinchilla (softest fur around!) for the children to touch!
**We recommend shorter sessions for children under 4.
** We recommend keeping the 2 and 3's in one session
and the 4's and up in a separate session. This allows for a greater learning experience.
** We also recommend keeping groups under 20children
As we travel from school to school we actually LEARN from the teachers and schools! So I am attempting to make a list of GREAT IDEAS to pass along that maximize learning and keeps the children's attention during programs!
Carpet Squares! This is one of the best ideas ever. Each child gets there own carpet piece to sit on. That way they know exactly where to sit. You don't have to worry about the children scooting around or getting to close. You can set the carpet squares in a semi circle ahead of time so they know exactly where to sit! Some schools even got so creative that they decorated and had there names on their carpet Squares!
Our petting zoo is great for preschoolers as we set the petting zoo up in such a way that the children can get up-close to the animals and pet them but the animals can not knock the children down or scare them. The children simply reach there hands through the fence and pet as they please! We bring unique, clean, small farm friends for the children to enjoy. They especially love when the rooster crows!