INTO THE WILD: Program to learn, lead in Africa (w/ video)
Issue date: 11/19/08 Section: News
Zoey the zebra from Cleveland, Ga. attracted attention and represented the two sides of Global L.E.A.D. at Tate plaza on Tuesday.
"It used to be one or the other, study abroad or service abroad, black or white - that simple," said Kevin Scott, 2007 University alumnus and director of global outreach for the group. "With Global L.E.A.D., it's the best of both elements, black and white together ... just like the zebra."
Founded by four University alumni, Global L.E.A.D. - Leadership, Education, Adventure, Diplomacy - intends to combine the typical study abroad experience with service work.
"We desperately need a new way to do study abroad since students are participating in programs that train their mind, but they never transform their heart. The new way is Global L.E.A.D.," Scott said.
The group's first trip will be to Cape Town, South Africa this summer. For one project, members will teach children to play the guitar and turn their skills into money by playing for visitors in one of the top tourist spots in the world.
"For families with next to nothing, a little more is a lot more," said Mason McFalls, a junior from Swainsboro and chair of the organization.
The group plans to stay in South Africa for six weeks. The group also will set up AIDS clinics to test children for the disease and to teach about prevention.
Members will travel to Kruger National Park and Cape Point, the southernmost tip of Africa as well as Chimp Eden, the chimpanzee sanctuary.
Ten Global L.E.A.D. ambassadors will lead the expedition to South Africa. Amanda Abbott, a junior from Atlanta and vice president of recruitment, said she hopes students will share their experiences with peers and "talk about the passion that comes from being part of something bigger than yourself."
Tuesday the group handed out more than 2,000 information cards and received more than 5,000 hits to its Web site, Scott said.
"The response has been overwhelmingly positive," he said.
This summer's expedition is a pilot test for the group, McFalls said. If successful, the sponsors will push the program to become national and "one of the biggest study abroad programs to hit the United States, and it started at the University of Georgia," he said.
Julie DeLoach, a junior from Jasper and Global LEAD ambassador said, "Our motto is: don't just go ... lead."
Viewing Comments 1 - 2 of 2
Zoey 101
posted 11/19/08 @ 9:47 PM EST
I'm not saying all zebras look alike or anything... but if this is the same Zoey the Zebra that attended the vet school open house, she is freaking CRAZY. (Continued…)
posted 11/20/08 @ 1:28 PM EST
I found it to be rather disturbing that this program chose to use wild animals kept in small pens. The use of these animals did not seem to be educational and I think they should have chosen to promote their event in a different way. (Continued…)
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